Gentle Insanity

I relax behind my shield of gentle insanity
and wonder if anything I ever see is real
my brain controls what I think of as reality
it determines what I sense and what I feel
yet the more you ponder on the universe
the more unlikely it all appears
we're like actors forbidden to rehearse
and left alone to face our fears
for though we seek comfort in others
perhaps we just imagine them too
our mind creates our sisters and brothers
and everything that we do
how can we be sure that we're alive
if life is nothing more than illusion
in a world that only seems to thrive
upon madness and chaotic confusion
so I retreat to my gentle insanity
the place where I feel most at home
I revel in my alternate reality
where my soul has freedom to roam

Winter Sun

The winter sun prowls low across the sky
like a timid lion stripped of power and menace
its hazy glow and feeble warmth
offering barely token comfort
for those who need its support
on cold, dark days
And yet the sun is not to blame
for its sickly subdued demeanour -
it is Mother Earth herself
who turns her back towards the star,
not with malice in her heart
but merely fairness
as she tries to share the light
among all her scattered children

Writing Tools for Windows

Tools for digital writing on a PC

As a Windows user from the beginning I have often cast a slightly envious eye towards Mac users when it comes to the question of writing software. They have the polished Scrivener - perfect for creating books of any kind, beautiful simple text editors like Ulysses and Byword, and the gorgeous eBook creator, Vellum. PC users are not spoilt for choice - there are an absolute ton of options out there - but the problem is they don’t quite have the same polish as their Mac counterparts. But things are improving. I’ve always resisted the urge to switch camps. I don’t believe the grass is always greener. For one thing, a Mac mouse has one button. To a PC user that’s like working with one hand tied behind your back! So I’ve always had to rely on the fact that the sheer number of Windows users would lead to equivalents of great Mac software being developed for the PC. The best news is that the creators of Scrivener saw the light and developed a PC version of their wonderful writing software. Unfortunately, it has always lagged a major version behind the Mac and looked, frankly, clunky and messy on the PC. But that is all about to change with version 3.0, now in Beta testing. This will bring it pretty much up to date with the Mac version and be much closer cosmetically. I have had a good play around with the Beta and I have to say it is going to be a game-changer for writers using PCs. Creating eBooks is much more of a thorny problem. Vellum for Mac shows how it should be done. Nothing comes close on a PC. I use an open-source eBook editor called Sigil. It does a decent job of producing ePub books but I am handy with CSS and HTML. Without such knowledge it would be difficult to get the best out of Sigil - not impossible, but you would be limited to very simple formatting. With some CSS knowledge you can achieve very professional results with things like drop caps and graphical chapter headers. Calibre is an eBook manager program, and it does a decent job of converting eBooks to other formats such as Kindle and PDF. Together, Sigil and Calibre can get the job done for you if you have some basic skills and the determination to conquer the learning curve. Amazon have a free piece of software called Kindle Previewer which also does an excellent job (as you’d expect) of converting an ePub into Kindle format. But Calibre is more flexible. So far, I haven’t mentioned the giant - Microsoft Word. If you are writing for conventional print formats then it is of course the industry standard. However, for digital - eBooks, blogs, etc. - it is a nightmare and best avoided at all costs. The Docx format it uses as standard fills even the simplest document with masses of invisible junk that prevents it from being able to work with most other software without annoying issues. For digital writing, plain text is the best way to go. It is future proof. At the moment, Markdown is gaining in popularity. It allows you to add basic formatting instructions to a document, such as headers, bold and italics, whilst being able to save the document as plain text. In some ways, it is a dream come true but I am finding it is not the promised land I had hoped it would be. Existing software is proving reluctant to fully embrace Markdown, and although the likes of Word and Scrivener will claim support, in reality you end up spending too much time tweaking things like extra carriage returns that can mysteriously appear. Plain text is the one format that is virtually bulletproof. I have found, the hard way, that it is best just to get on with your writing and worry about the formatting at the end. Write the whole thing in a text editor. When you are happy with it, then you can copy & paste or import it into something like Scrivener or Sigil and begin to think about the presentational aspects.
Another benefit of plain text is it has no problems crossing platforms. I can edit a document in Byword on an iPad and it syncs, via Dropbox, to my PC where it can be pulled into any text editor straight away. And changes made on the PC will be synced back to the iPad. It’s the same with Mac and Android apps. Byword is one of a plethora of text editors for iPad but I single it out because it has an extra trick - it lets you publish to a blog account, such as Wordpress or Blogger. (This article is proof!). One issue you might have with working in plain text is that it is not a nice working environment to look at, especially if you’ve used Windows notepad. Well, the good news is there are plenty of gorgeous text editors available on the PC. Most of them allow you to choose the fonts and colours you want (for display only - the documents are still saved as plain text!). I am particularly drawn to so-called minimalist editors, such as WriteMonkey, OmmWriter and ZenWriter. These allow you to do away with the usual clutter of menus and toolbars and just focus on your words on the screen. I like ZenWriter because it allows you to display any picture you like as a backdrop to your words and comes with some wonderfully calming background music that really does seem to put you in a focussed mood. A slight caveat with ZenWriter is that it saves documents in RTF format. Scrivener can import RTF documents, but I prefer to just select the text in ZenWriter and then copy & paste as required. WriteMonkey is another brilliant option. It can look as basic as you want it to but has a wealth of features hidden away if you want them and is highly configurable. It supports Markdown as well as plain text, so you have both bases covered there. So, to sum up, if I want to create an eBook in Windows I have a four-step process:

  1. Create the text in a plain-text editor, such as Byword on iPad or ZenWriter on PC.
  2. Cut & paste or import into Scrivener, where you can add formatting, front matter, images, etc.
  3. Export from Scrivener as ePub, then load into Sigil to tidy up and add tweaks such as drop caps.
  4. Load into Calibre or Kindle Previewer to convert to Kindle format.

This process is not set in stone and I’m always looking out for new solutions (particularly a PC equivalent of Vellum!), but for now it does the job. The thing is to experiment with some of the many software options available and see what works for you. Most have a free trial period and some are free full stop. (Sigil, Calibre and Kindle Previewer are free. ZenWriter, Scrivener and Byword are all relatively inexpensive.)


A quick little ditty
to test out a pretty
text editor for iPad
Byword is the name
and it changes the game
by publishing to Blogger

Little Snowdrop

Oh, brave little snowdrop
How you coyly hang your head
whilst other flowers around you
lie dormant in their bed

Proudly stands your slender frame
against the bitter wind
waiting for that feeble sun
on which your hopes are pinned

Your spirit is a comfort
on dark and dismal days
which is why I honour you
with my heartfelt words of praise

You spend the year just waiting
While the mad world spins around
In silent anticipation
Just below the ground

You always seem to know
when it is your time
my fragile little friend,
the reason for this rhyme

Trying To Rage

As the light burns low
of course I'll rage
I don't want to go
despite my age
more effort is required
for lessening reward
I feel less inspired
and easily bored
my old joints creak
and my muscles ache
I'm often asleep
when I should be awake
I'm still learning
but forgetting much more
The fire's still burning....
what did I come in here for?
Yes, I will rage
and go down fighting
while there's room on the page
I shall keep writing

Hate the Rain?

Why do you hate the rain?
What makes it so bad?
Does it cause you pain
And make you sad?

You should understand
It’s only Mother Earth
Cleansing her land
Ready for rebirth

Embrace those drops
More precious than oil
That nourish our crops
And soothe the soil

The soothing sound
Of steady rain
Can calm, I’ve found
A restless brain

Rain hides your tears
And here’s a truth
Your precious skin
Is fully waterproof!

Poetic Justice

So the judge peered over his glasses
and gave a solemn stare
"The crimes you have committed
show you have no soul
I don't believe that prison
will ever change your ways
So my sentence to you is this:
You must read at least one poem
And write one every day
For one full year without break
If you do this thing for  me
you will not see me again
you will have no need
for you will be a happy man,
a good man, wise and true -
a better man indeed."

If only...

If you see a chance, grab it
Hold it tight and don't let go
"If only I'd.... what might have been"
is the saddest phrase I know

Have we met?

I don't think that we've met
I'm sure I would remember
How could I forget?
Unless it was November
That month's just a blank to me


She's someone to believe in
someone I can trust
the topping on my pizza
without her I'm just crust

She makes me feel important,
that I'm a match for any man
She gives me strength to hold my own
like no other woman can

She has no need to tell me
if she does or doesn't care
I know that if I needed her
she would certainly be there

She radiates charm and elegance
through every single pore
however much she lets you have
like a drug, you just need more

She's witty and intelligent
and for her age, so wise
for the secrets of the Universe
are right there, in her eyes


Is there a reason for a rhyme?
Does it make your words sublime?
Does it make them ring or chime?
If they don't, is that a crime?
I guess not.

Friendship Thesaurus

Smiling. Silent. Knowing look.
Glances. Thoughts. Open book.
Relaxed. Together. Gentle care.
Love. Unspoken. Always there.
Scent. Movement. Certain walk.
Laughter. Memories. Idle talk.
Touch. Emotions. Shared dream.
Respect. Confidence. Perfect team.
Friendship. Bonding. Forever true.
Days. Years. Me, You.

Numbered Days

Every morning when you wake up
think to yourself "I have one day less to live"
Don't let that depress you
Let it motivate you
It's a wake-up call
Your days are finite
Make the most of them


I'm not at home
I never am
I've never even lived there
I don't know where it is
Or what it's like
Or even how to get there
The only thing I know
Is how I miss it so


Saw my reflection in a mirror
and recoiled from the shock
I wasn't who I thought I was
Who was this imposter
who had stolen my mind
and put it in this awful body?
Too old, too fat, wrong race, wrong sex
Why have they done this to me?
I don't care. I do not care.
I know who I am
and I shall not be looking in mirrors again

Green Grass

The grass is always greener
on the other side
That's what they always say
But guess what? They lied
It's just a question of hue
Does that grass look green to you?
To me it seems quite blue
But don't be fooled by what you see
Your grass is exactly as green
As you want it to be

Choreographic Cat

One day I found a quadruped
Feline, I would say
Who had a unique talent
For in a strange way
He could dance

I called him McMaster
And he ran away
But I knew deep inside
He'd come home one day
And so he did

One night I threw a party
And broke it I'm afraid
So we all started dancing
And from out of the shade
Came McMaster

He twitched his whiskers
And waggled his tail
Although he was little
And looked very frail
He really could dance

Fred Astaire stared
And the Bee Gees stopped singing
As McMaster they saw
His feet and paws swinging
In a disco delight

He just kept on dancing
And we all got bored
But McMaster didn't like it
All this being ignored
And so he left


I got my little wake-up call
It came on Christmas Day
With childish anticipation
I scratched away the paper
To reveal another Lynx gift set
Then forced a grateful smile
As I studied it and pondered
Is this what I'm worth to the world?
The difference that I've made?
I'd woken up, I'd sniffed the coffee
Come the New Year, I was ready
To set about my goal
To carry out my plan
To be who I was meant to be
No matter what the hurdles
I would have to find a way
To make a mark upon this life
Banish the pointless stupor
Awaken the soul within
Fill my heart with purpose
And let my life begin


Will the sun come out tomorrow?
Who's to know, who's to say?
Tomorrow never comes, my friend
We only have today

Don't waste your life waiting
For a moment that may not come
Reality is here and now
So start to have some fun

Right now is all that matters
For nothing else is real
You can't live on a promise
You need to learn to feel

Awareness and perception
Learning to observe
Living in the moment -
the life that you deserve

The Tree

I slouched along the lane
on an aimless afternoon
The sky looked set for rain
I had little else to do
Then suddenly I stopped
when I noticed the tree
as though the penny dropped
and now I understood

I'd never seen that tree
yet it hadn't just appeared
I'd always failed to see
its quiet majestic form
With newly opened eyes
I gazed at in in wonder
and marvelled at its size
How could I have missed it?

It was hiding in plain sight
Standing proudly all alone
I had passed it day and night
Without the merest glance
At last I had awoken
from my lifelong slumber
To me, the tree had spoken
Finally, I'm alive


I lie on my bed
and gaze out at the sky
watching candy-floss clouds,
ever-changing, drift by

They remind me of women
in so many ways,
delicate and beautiful,
they never cease to amaze

No two are the same,
some are dark, some are flighty;
their gentle looks hide
a power so mighty

They can be bright and inspiring
or threaten you with thunder,
they can raise your spirits
and break the spell you're under

Their form and appearance
alters with such subtle effect,
once they catch your eye
they're hard to neglect

But turn your back and they're gone,
disappeared into thin air;
were you just dreaming,
were they ever really there?


Try to live your life with joy
Like every day's a brand new toy
Don't despise and criticize
Don't tell lies or plagiarize
Those heavy sighs and anguished cries
Only quicken your own demise
Be helpful and kind
And soon you will find
You are living your life with joy


Every night I burn a candle
For a love I'll never know
I gaze into the silent flame
Enchanted by its glow
And wonder if you're out there
With a candle of your own
Staring at its dancing light
And feeling so alone
But in spirit we're together
And that will have to do
I feel as though you love me
as much as I love you

Stable Genius

there's a ferret on my head
and even he thinks that I'm tedious
I eat Big Mac's in my bed,
no, I'm actually being serious
like Rab C. Nesbitt in his vest
I'm a fat old horny sexual pest
Destroy the world? I'll do my best
I am the very model of a stable slimy genius

Grim Reaper

Oh, be gone, grim reaper
You have no business here!
I shall not leave this world
With things undone, things unsaid
I will gladly follow
When the time is right
But that, be clear,
Is not tonight

While love commands my beating heart
And the fire of passion burns within
This life holds worth for me
My work remains unfinished
When I have nothing more to say
Then you may lead me away

You say I have no choice?
That fate demands I'm yours?
Well fate be damned, I heed it not
You shall not have your way
My soul is my unerring guide
That never wanders from my side

My spirit will defeat you
So turn around and leave
I am writing my own destiny
And it doesn't mention you
So go, grim reaper, go
When I'm ready, you will know

Feel The Wind

Feel the wind, set your sail
Venture out to sea
Go and find your holy grail
Be who you're meant to be

Leave behind the madness
That surrounds you in your bubble
Fill your heart with gladness
Evaporate each trouble

Wander over hills alone
Abandon all your doubt
Turn off your sacred phone
You may find something out

A Poem A Day...

A daily poem?
Is that a chore?
Or even worse -
a total bore?
No, no, no!
It's a delight
Feed your mind
Late at night
Start your day
With something new
It's the best thing
That you can do

Find The Fire

Find the fire within you
Fan the flames
Until your arms break
Until your lungs scream
Until your heart rages
Then harness that fire                       
And go change the world


Eleanor rages
huffing and puffing
rattling our cages
removing our stuffing
flattening trees
halting trains
a violent breeze
she still remains
as out to sea
she slowly heads
while folk like me
take to their beds

Lemonade My Day

He winked at me and smiled
"If life gives you lemons, make lemonade"
I felt intensely riled
Wanted to hit him with my spade
He wandered down the road
Whistling no particular tune
Having lightened his load
He felt over the moon
But I was stood there seething
My knuckles white with rage
I was having trouble breathing
He had so rattled my cage
That stupid, silly phrase
Made me wild beyond belief
It would gnaw at me for days
There would be no relief
"Lemons, indeed" I hissed
What does that even mean?
Was there a point that I had missed?
A moral I failed to glean?
Why had he felt the need
To share that childish line
Until then, I must concede
I'd been feeling fine
Now my day's destroyed
There's nothing I can do
But stare into the void
And share it all with you

A Friend In Need

A friend in need
Is still a friend
And if you can't help a friend
You're a friend indeed!

Find The Pearl

Not every oyster hides a pearl
But you never know until you look
Delve inside your hidden book
And see what treasures may unfurl


If passion went out of fashion
If love lost all its allure
I’d scream and I’d shout
For surely, without doubt
There’d be no point to life any more

Writing a Poem

Do you want to write a poem
But don’t know where to start?
Close your eyes
Open your mind
Listen to your heart!

A New Year

As New Year approaches
this year will fade
abandon your troubles
don’t be afraid
don’t think of the future
don’t dwell on the past
just live each day
as if it’s your last
life’s a new page
you’re holding the pen
time to start writing
if not now, when?
chase your dreams
it’s never too late
always remember
you make your own fate

The Silent Minute

Try to find
the silent minute
Hold the moment
Revel in it

Ode To A Bowl Of Yellow Sea

There’s a bowl of yellow sea
That always follows me
Wherever I may go.
One day I had to stop
Outside a little shop
And the bowl of yellow sea
Crashed right into me.

Tweeting Poetry

A poem in a tweet
Can that be done?
Of course it can!
It's pretty neat
and really rather fun
It needn't rhyme
But if it does
You seem to get
That extra buzz
Keep it short
Keep it snappy
But most of all
Just be happy...

The First Post

This is the first post.
It is also the last post.
Where's that trumpet...


Women of the world I salute you! On bended knee I pledge my undying love You gave me life and nurtured me, made me what I am and all the bet...